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发布时间:2024-04-30 15:52 作者:jrs直播 阅读:

阿莱西娅·鲁索强调英格兰队球员将向他们“反思并学习” 1-1战平瑞典准备周二在都柏林举行的“大规模”比赛。鲁索在周五晚上为母狮队带来了理想的开局这是她们 2025 年欧洲女足预选赛的第一场比赛,上半场中段,瑞典队取得领先。但瑞典队在第二节通过弗里多利娜·罗尔福 (Fridolina Rolfö) 扳平比分,这意味着 EE 连接的温布利球场内的 63,248 名球迷不得不接受平局.英格兰队将于周二前往英杰华体育场,迎战爱尔兰共和国在 5 月底和 6 月初对阵法国队的两场比赛之前。7 月与爱尔兰共和国和瑞典队的反向比赛将结束小组赛双方希望能够获得前两名,以确保进入瑞士 2025 年女足欧洲杯 16 强席位之一,并避免参加附加赛。

Russo said: "Sweden are a top side and our group is so tough but we're a good side too. It was disappointing not to take all three points but we have come up against a really strong Sweden side. We will reflect and learn and get ready to go again on Tuesday."To our standards, we know there's a little bit all over the pitch that we can demand higher of each other. “As players, we will own that and we'll look back at it. All across the board, there were just a little lower standards than we are used to."They pressed us really well, it's tough, it's not like it's an easy game. They're a top side and we struggled at times to figure out their problems but at the same time, we still got a draw.”

Russo was an integral part of the England team that won UEFA Women’s EURO 2022 at Wembley Stadium and has featured at the iconic ground on several occasions in recent years.However, this was her first goal at the home of English football. Even though it was not the result she was hoping for, it was still a moment to relish for the 25-year-old."It is always nice to score, especially at Wembley, the home of English football,” Russo said. “I love playing for England, I love playing here, and it was really nice to get on the scoresheet.”England now have four days to rest, recover and prepare ahead of taking on the Republic of Ireland at another of Europe’s great stadiums.Russo added: "It's massive. We know this group is really tough and we know that every result counts and every point counts.“We will get rested, do lots of recovery in the next few days and then we'll be ready to go."






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